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“Parco Agricolo del Sud Milano” (PASM) was born in 1990 as a farm park, with the aim of protecting the agriculture of an area, located very close to the highly serviced area of Milan, a city where the farmland is very reduced due to the presence of a strong urbanization.
PASM includes the agricultural and forestry areas of 60 municipalities, for a total of 47,000 hectares, of which about 35,000 are cultivated soils, managed by about 900 farms.
PASM not only includes some farmlands, but also some very important abbeys and castles.
The objectives of PASM are:
- The protection and restoration of the connection between the city and the countryside
- To achievement of an ecological balance in the metropolitan area
- The protection and enhancement of the agro-forestry-pastoral context
- The cultural, recreative and touristic fruition of the territory
Commitment to a food community
To achieve these goals, it will be created a Food Community (cdc) in the PASM, a network of stable, shared and lasting agreements between different subjects such as educational institutions, farmers and many others.
- Local farmers and breeders
- Solidarity purchasing groups (GAS)
- Educational institutions and universities
- Research centers
- Associations for biodiversity protection
- School canteens, hospitals, nursing homes
- Restaurants and commercial establishments
- Artisan processing businesses
- Public entities
All of this aligns with the provisions of Law 194/2015 “Provisions for the Protection and Enhancement of Agricultural and Food Biodiversity,” particularly Article 13 “Food and Biodiversity Communities of Agricultural and Food Interest.”
We strive for:
- Enhance the work of Community members through co-designed actions that allow all participants to contribute according to their skills and specializations.
- Raise awareness among public, private, and non-profit entities about the value, conversion, and production of organic agriculture and good agroecological practices, coordinating actions for local policies and strategic project development.
- Promote training and education for local communities, including the involvement and awareness of educational institutions.
- Stimulate and promote the creation of production-sale-consumption circuits for local products to enhance agro-biodiversity and the economic sustainability of PASM producers.
- Participate in and promote initiatives to combat food poverty.
- Support breeders and farmers who preserve and reproduce ancient or local seeds and animal breeds.
- Encourage the creation of cultural, experiential, recreational, and tourist routes that highlight the rural, landscape, natural, and historical heritage.
To this end, associations, public entities, producers, and institutions operating within the PASM are committed to adhering to the Community Food Charter and upholding its principles, undertaking all actions necessary for the protection, enhancement, and promotion of local agro-biodiversity.
Some possible lines of intervention are:
Considering the proposals emerging from the initial meetings between the various stakeholders of the emerging PASM Community Council, we present the following lines of intervention:
– Promote and participate in every initiative to combat land consumption and infrastructures impacting the PASM territory.
– Facilitate access to land for young people, women, and disadvantaged individuals who wish to explore agricultural pathways through incentivized and subsidized programs with public funding, while encouraging the recovery of uncultivated or abandoned lands.
– Promote local production chains in support of agroecological activities.
– Involve local authorities to facilitate the introduction of local agroecological products into public catering (school canteens, hospitals, nursing homes).
– Engage private catering to use agroecological products from the PASM.
– Promote correct nutritional education in schools.
– Participate in initiatives to combat food waste.
– Address logistical and distribution problems faced by small PASM producers.
– Promote the use of renewable energy and energy communities among PASM farmers.
– Showcase the natural and cultural beauty, villages, and agricultural businesses of the PASM.
– Experiment with new production, distribution, and consumption methods, such as producer-consumer agreements, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), community stores, and Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS).
– Incentivize practices and innovative systems to mitigate and counteract the effects of drought.
– Implement all possible actions to ensure the knowledge of the Community’s activities locally and beyond, promoting the participatory adoption of the Community Charter to new interested parties.
We hope that a fruitful debate will develop around the objectives and the first activities in the PASM, so that there will be a wide participation and collaboration among all those who recognize themselves in the CDC and who want to make their contribution.
In this regard, we consider it necessary for the rising CDC to proceed to the creation of its own democratic, autonomous and independent organizational form.
For further informations contact: comunitaciboparcosudmilano@gmail.com
Traduzione in lingua inglese e podcast realizzati da Sara Bozzi– Progetto PCTO con Regina Mundi
Registrazione Podcast a cura di Luigi Maisto
Supervisione – Piera Scudeletti EVF