Mulino di Sotto

The Mulino di Sotto is located in Pantigliate in Largo della Pace (behind the Church of Santa Margherita).
There is proof of its existence since the sixteenth century. On the northern front there was originally a big opening with an ogival arch on the ground floor, which can still be seen nowadays.
Thanks to this opening, the miller could go to the small bridge of the floodgate on the canal Calcherá, on the left side of the building, where there was the big water wheel.

From the Chronicle of Don Pietro Longa, diligently composed during his long tenure in Pantigliate as the parish priest of Santa Margherita, from 1898 to 1925.

Don Pietro Longa, Vicar of Santa Margherita in Pantigliate, wrote:
“The Pallazzola is a water course at the end of the village, near the old house of the priest. It rises from the Naviglio between Cernusco and Vimodrone, powered by various springs, which are mostly in Pantigliate, where you can say that one of the riches of the site is in the water, which always makes sure the annual harvest.
Walk near the Pallazzola, then cross the Calchera, another water course born from the Martesana, and you will find yourself in a farmstead. I gave it the name of Riva, that is, the people who now have it, but the true name is Loghetto, part of this location. Today the owner is Mr. Riccardi.”
Sergio Leondi, in “I Mulini di Pantigliate”, writes as follows:
“The above mentioned farm is composed of a farmhouse, serving as a rentable residence, some stables, barns and then, downwards, the so-called Mill of Pantigliate, and the residence of the indispensable milkman.
If you want to visit it, you can enter the Mill.”
Source: Sergio Leondi “I Mulini di Pantigliate. Storia, tecnologia e ambiente locale”, Amministrazione Comunale, Pantigliate, 2006.
Visit inside the Mulino di Sotto
Video story by Walter Ferrari
The EVF recovery project
The Mulino di Sotto, an expression of the wealth of public heritage, is a place that could become a space for aggregation, meeting, listening, economy, a small integrated community. This project, not for profit, would aim to promote the rediscovery and enhancement of productive, cultural and tourist and to preserve and safeguard its historical value, and guarantee a legacy to our children.
Traduzione in lingua inglese e podcast realizzati da Alessia Carozzi– Progetto PCTO con Regina Mundi
Registrazione Podcast a cura di Luigi Maisto
Supervisione – Piera Scudeletti EVF